Few men are willing to put up with unsatisfactory natural characteristics.
And if in relation to muscles or, for example, problematic skin, high-quality techniques for improving one's body have already been developed, then the topic of the reproductive organ is often avoided as taboo.
Today we will look at the most harmless ways to enlarge the penis.
Advertising is full of offers to purchase all kinds of ointments and creams, but not everyone will risk introducing their "friend" to chemistry of unknown origin and unknown principle of action.
It's good if you come across a harmless composition based on baby cream, in which case you can at least hope for a placebo effect. What happens if the cream or ointment is potentially dangerous?
You ask yourself, "Is there an alternative? " Actually,for penis enlargement with the help of cosmetics there is a whole machine of alternatives. And with the right approach, you can really count on quite visible and, most importantly, long-term results. The main thing is to approach the issue as comprehensively and responsibly as possible.
How can you enlarge your penis without creams, ointments and pills?

It can be said with certainty that all methods of enlarging the penis without surgery, ointments and other pharmacological products demonstrate effectiveness, which cannot be said about methods for the lazy.
The "smear it and forget it" approach in this matter is hardly acceptable: once the goal of adding a couple of extra centimeters has been set, the recommendations of the specialists will need to be followed with the utmost diligence, and perhaps even resorting to a combination of different methods.
All penis enlargement techniques have one of these two goals:
- physiological increase in length due to tissue expansion;
- activation of the "pumping" of the cavernous bodies, that is, simply the fight against weak power.
Surprisingly, sometimes the latter approach is even more effective: disorders in the functioning of the prostate and cardiovascular system may simply not allow the "neighbor below" to reach its full potential.
If in the state of arousal the male organ is always vigorous, hard and can remain so for several hours, then the lack of length can only be resolved with surgery or moderate trauma.
Important!You can talk about natural penis enlargement only at the age of 20-22 years, in rare cases - up to 25 years.
More mature men should perceive penis size as an established constant and focus on a healthy lifestyle to avoid having problems with potency.
Where is it advisable to start?
No matter how trivial it may sound, butwith a visit to two doctors: a urologist and an andrologist. Even if you don't plan to go under the knife, you should at least rule out a lack of length or thickness due to physiological pathologies or diseases of the genitourinary system. The doctor will also give advice and establish that there are no contraindications for using the selected augmentation methods.
To begin with, we recommend that you consider ways to enlarge the penis using herbs and soda.
Next we will describe in detail how to enlarge the penis without creams, ointments and tablets, even at home.
Mini operation

The most effective, almost painless andA proven method for enlarging the male genital organ is surgical dissection of the muscular ligaments that support it.The purpose of the invasion is to change the attachment point of the shaft of the penis, moving the base slightly forward by a few centimeters and the penis lengthens.
The operation is performed without general anesthesia and lasts from 30-40 minutes to a couple of hours. The rehabilitation period is about a week, the risk of complications is minimal.
An increase in thickness can be obtained by introducing into the shaft of the penis the adipose tissue evacuated during liposuction from the abdominal wall or from the muscular processes. This is a more complex and expensive surgery; after the operation there are severe restrictions on sex and physical activity, rehabilitation can last up to six months.
Reference!Despite the apparent radicality of the surgical method, this is a completely common occurrence among the male population of the West.
The operation will help not only to achieve a visible increase in size, but also to permanently eliminate pathologies such as phimosis, curvature or concealment of the penis.

Extension application
Many people remember the wonderful role of Michael Humphrey and how comically he walked with braces. Wearing an extender can seem equally ridiculous. But although this method seems extremely extravagant, its effectiveness has been objectively proven,Doctors recommend using an extender to speed up postoperative rehabilitation and enhance its effect.
Therefore, in the absence of contraindications and psychological blocks, it is possible to use this method of penis enlargement, which in terms of effectiveness immediately follows surgery.
There are also disadvantages: it takes a long time for the penis to deform and connective tissue to form. The effect is long-term, but manifests itself as a result of daily use of the extender for 8-10 hours for several months. Another not entirely pleasant fact is that the increase in length occurs due to the lengthening of the shape of the penis; there is a high risk that as a result of manipulations it will become a little thinner.

Although vacuum pumps are classified as relatively harmless sex toys, they can be a great help in quickly bringing your weapon into a state of maximum combat readiness. The effect of the pump is to promote a more intense erection thanks to the high pressure difference.
Pumping helps eliminate the problem of low blood flow and insufficiently elastic skin, blood fills the corpora cavernosa literally to the maximum, so the penis acquires the maximum possible natural volume.
The extraction should be done at home, immediately before sexual intercourse, for 30-40 minutes. Many sexologists and andrologists agree that the use of the vacuum pump is an excellent means of preventing diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system.
Important!The use of a vacuum pump has an impressive list of contraindications, including diseases of the cardiovascular system and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as a ban on the use of numerous drugs.
Massage of the genital organ
There is a fundamental principle in the human body: tissues and organs that are not used are destined to degrade. Therefore, penis massage and special exercises are mandatory even for men who do not lack length and volume.
Massage is not a means of penis enlargement as such, but it can be very useful as an additional method to restore tissue elasticity and normalize blood flow. It is advisable not to carry out the procedure with the direct method, the skin and mucous membrane of the penis are too sensitive to irritation.
It would be much more correct to use massage oil or wrap the penis in a soft cloth soaked in warm water.

Jelqing or stretching
Manual therapy for the penis is particularly suitable during the postoperative rehabilitation period. Increasing the flexibility of the penis in a partially erect state allows easier access of nutrients to problem areas and reduces the risk of implant scarring and blood clots.
A series of tissue stretching exercises is effective for maintaining a new shape; the effect of the extensor and surgical intervention in this case is more pronounced.
The essence of the exercises is to stretch the ligaments that support the base of the penis, as well as to increase the elasticity of the cavernous blood bodies. Most exercises involve placing the penis in an unusual position and deforming it to the point of discomfort, followed by holding it for several minutes. For young people and adolescents, this is a very effective way to accelerate tissue growth.
Do you want your penis to be bigger, thicker and more powerful? Jelqing is something that will delight you and your partner.

Benefits of masturbation
If there's one topic that people try to avoid more than talking about penis enlargement, it's definitely the topic of masturbation. However, regular sexual training can safely be called the key to a healthy genitourinary system, especially in case of rare and irregular sexual contacts. Remember that all parts of the body must function, otherwise they suffer greatly in functionality.
Just like massage and exercise, self-pleasure doesn't make your penis bigger. This is simply a good way to keep your sexual system in good shape, increase skin elasticity, blood vessels and overall libido level.
Lead a healthy lifestyle
The most important factor influencing penis size is a healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcoholism, poor nutrition and constantly high levels of stress have a negative impact on the general level of sexuality and the capacity for physiological arousal.
But remember how important it is to be able to fully reveal the natural potential of the sexual organ: at least half of the cases of dissatisfaction with the size of the penis are associated precisely with an insufficiently strong erection.
Folk remedies will help develop a healthy lifestyle:
- regular visits to the bathhouse;
- frequent exposure to open air;
- eat milk, nuts, honey, and tinctures of ginseng, hawthorn, and oak bark as daily drinks.
When is it important to think seriously about a problem?
Perhaps only owners of the so-called micropenis, the length of which does not exceed 10 centimeters, should seriously think about penis enlargement using folk and other methods. With medium lengths, the problem of the lack of size of the sexual organ is rather psychological, because in reality both partners are capable of experiencing high sexual pleasure.
In these cases it is much better to diversify your sexual life by limiting yourself to preventive methods.