Penis enlargement is one of the most popular male surgeries, which can be performed for both aesthetic purposes and medical reasons.
In the latter case, we are talking about the following violations:
- cavernous fibrosis, in which penile tissue is partially replaced by cartilage;
- underdevelopment of the penis;
- erectile dysfunction, the causes of which are rupture of the blood vessels of the penis or Peyronie's disease;
- endocrine impotence, which developed against the background of diabetes mellitus;
- a history of unsuccessful penile surgery;
- the need to eliminate the consequences of operations on the prostate, bladder and rectum.
Penis enlargement has a number of contraindications:
- severe form of diabetes mellitus;
- oncology;
- Venereal illnesses;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis);
- genital herpes;
- the presence of ulcers and wounds on the penis.
- blood clotting disorder;
- the patient has mental disorders.
What type of penis can be considered normal?
It is believed that the normal length of the penis when erect is between 12 and 18 cm. The average length of the penis in men in our country is 15. 7 cm. A penis less than 9. 5 cm in length is considered a small penis. and less than 2cm is considered a small penis. There are cases when men are dissatisfied with the shape of the penis, for subjective reasons or due to objective violations of the geometry of the penis (deformation of the head).
Surgical method for penis enlargement
For the purpose of surgical penis lengthening, ligamentotomy is used.
The essence of the operation is to increase the pendulous part of the penis by reducing its perineal (hidden) part. This is achieved by crossing a part of the ligament system of the penis, which holds it in the perineal area.
It is clear that the penis itself does not change in size. There is a redistribution of the length towards the increase of the suspended part.
This plastic surgery procedure allows you to increase the length of the pendulous part of the penis by 2-5 cm and is performed under general anesthesia.
Non-surgical augmentation method
Non-surgical methods for lengthening the penis include the use of a special stretching device - an extender. The method is based on the physiological response of living tissue to the application of tensile force. Any part of the human body subjected to stretch responds to that stress by accelerating cell division and increasing tissue mass.
Using a penis extender is not burdensome. It can be worn all day and the patient can stand, lie down, walk or sit. An extension of 3-5 cm occurs when the extender is worn for 6 months.
When the extender is used correctly, no adverse reactions occur, there is no thinning of the penis and there is no effect on fertility or potency. This method allows you to obtain a constant increase (which does not change over time) in the length of the penis.
Combined method of penis enlargement
It is the most effective. In the first stage, a surgical operation is performed, then an extender is used according to the classical method. The effectiveness of the method is due to the fact that after the ligamentotomy the "hidden" part of the penis is released. This leads to the fact that the extender initially affects a larger volume of the penis. Therefore it is possible to achieve greater results.
Thickening of the glans
Patients often come to the clinic to increase the volume of the glans to more comfortably wear the extender, as well as for the treatment of premature ejaculation.
Surgical penis enlargement
Surgical penis enlargement can be performed in several ways. Therefore, an operation called "ligamentotomy" allows you to increase the hanging (free) part of the penis by reducing its perineal (hidden) part. In this case the elements of the ligament system that holds the penis in the perineal area are corrected. Strictly speaking, in this case, the original size of the penis remains unchanged, since only a redistribution of length occurs.
An alternative option for lengthening the penis is the implantation of an endoprosthesis, obviously longer, into the internal space of the organ. This endoprosthesis can be accompanied by total mobilization of the crura of the penis, but it must be kept in mind that this step leads to inevitable damage to the deep cavernous arteries and pudendal nerves. As a result, erectile dysfunction may develop, so this type of penis enlargement surgery is not recommended for absolutely healthy men without concomitant erectile dysfunction.
Thickening of the penis
Currently, the most popular method to increase the thickness of the penis islipofilling(transplant of your own adipose tissue). This penis enlargement surgery is performed under general anesthesia. In the first stage of surgery, fat cells are collected through special punctures of the skin in the donor areas (abdomen, thigh) using a syringe and a hollow needle (cannula).
Because the end of the cannula is rounded, large vessels and nerves are not damaged when the needle moves under the skin. The plastic syringe absorbs only fat cells and a small amount of blood that forms when small vessels are damaged. A special processing of the resulting fat suspension allows you to obtain "clean" adipose tissue, which is then placed in thin layers under the skin of the penis through micropunctures.
Once the operation is completed, the punctures are sutured and sealed with a surgical tape. Lipofilling allows you to increase the diameter of the penis by 0. 5 - 1. 5 cm, and thanks to gravity, a non-erect penis can in the future increase in size by 1-2 cm.
Another method of thickening the penis involves transferring a section of the rectus abdominis muscle under the skin of the penis, in which axial blood flow is maintained. The flap obtained during the operation is wrapped around the penis along its entire length. With this approach, the possibility of transplant rejection is significantly reduced, since the muscles simply open onto full-fledged feeding vessels. Such penis enlargement in the clinic requires the patient to refuse physical activity for six months (violation of this recommendation can lead to the development of a postoperative hernia of the anterior abdominal wall).
Enlargement of the head of the penis
This manipulation can be performed in combination with penis enlargement or as a separate procedure. The most common reasons for enlargement of the head of the penis in the clinic are:
- discrepancy between the diameters of the shaft and the head of the penis;
- inability to lengthen the penis using an extender due to insufficient size of the head (the device cannot be fixed correctly);
- the need to maintain the correct proportions of the enlarged penis.
One of the most popular ways to enlarge the head is to introduce a special matrix between it and the corpora cavernosa, which increases the diameter of the head both in an erect state and in a quiet state. The main disadvantage of this technique is the high risk of necrosis of the penile tissue, because during the operation the blood vessels supplying it are inevitably cut.
Injections into the head of the penis with a gel containing hyaluronic acid are considered a safer method. This approach allows you to achieve the required volume in a non-erect state, which is an important point when lengthening the penis with an extender. Unfortunately, after 1-1. 5 years the gel gradually dissolves, so this procedure must be repeated periodically.
Penis enlargement: pros and cons
The list of arguments in favor of penis enlargement surgery includes:
- simplicity and safety of this surgical intervention;
- positive impact on men's sexual and psychological health;
- improve the quality of intimate life;
- Maintain greater penis length throughout your life.
Surgical penis enlargement also has its opponents,
who provide the following arguments:
- the possibilities for surgical intervention are rather limited: penis enlargement in this way does not exceed 5 cm in length and 6 cm in width;
- traces of the operation may remain on the operated organ;
- short duration of the results of the operation (when the penis is thickened, the resulting volume lasts a maximum of several years);
- possible complications (bleeding, wound infection, pain during erection, postoperative wound suppuration).
Results of the operation
Surgical penis enlargement, reviews of which can be found on many Internet sites, allows you to increase its length from 1 to 3. 5 cm, while penis lengthening with a special tensioner (extensor) allows you to add up to 2 cm to this figure.
It is worth remembering that without an extender the operation is ineffective and the length of the penis does not change. In the vast majority of cases, the lack of results after surgery is explained by the fact that the stretcher was not used or was used incorrectly.
The effectiveness of using an extender depends on the following conditions:
- initial length of the penis (the larger it is, the better the results). This is why the most impressive results can be achieved after ligamentotomy;
- correctness of the anatomy of the penis (affects the possibility of attaching the extender);
- age (the elasticity and ability of tissues to stretch decreases with aging);
- patient persistence (the more often and longer the device is used, the better the effect can be achieved).
Thinner but longer or thicker but shorter? What is more important?

We have previously written about the criteria for normal penis size in various races and nationalities, as well as what a small penis and a micropenis are.
Today we will talk about the criteria for penis size and ways to increase its volume.
It should be noted that some men are not satisfied with the ratio of the proportions of length and diameter, for example, a penis of standard length, but small diameter.
Often patients are not satisfied with the size and shape of the head of the penis.
What is more important: length or width?
Based on numerous studies and surveys, the vast majority of women prefer the diameter of the penis rather than its length. For a woman it is not the length that matters, but the thickness.
It has been proven that a penis with a larger diameter stimulates the G-zone of the vagina much more effectively and is gripped more tightly by the orgasmic cuff.
A penis that is too long causes pain and discomfort during intercourse. There are no sensitive areas deep in the vagina. It follows that a long, thin erect penis is of little importance to the partner, given the anatomy of the vagina.
The depth of a woman's vagina in a non-excited state is 7-12 cm, and the width is about 2-3 fingers.
But in the state of arousal, a woman's genitals narrow and stretch, and the greatest sensitivity is located at the beginning of the vagina, 3-5 cm, so for maximum pleasure the diameter of the penis is much more important, and not its length.
Thickening of the penis
Thickening of the shaft of the penis is an increase in its volume due to injections of special drugs or performing intimate plastic surgery using the transplant method.
There are no direct medical indications for this type of medical intervention.
The procedure is performed at the request of the patient if he is not satisfied with the size of the penis.
Previously, autologous fat lipofilling and hyauuronic acid filler injection were frequently used methods for penis thickening, but dissatisfaction with the results and resulting volume loss within 6-9 months forced us to abandon these methods.
We currently perform penis thickening through intimate plastic surgery with polylactic acid (PLA) filler injection.
Polylactic acid is a safe and completely harmless component for the human body. It is present in the tissues of every person and is synthesized by the body.
However, to perform any injection and cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to obtain it in an artificial environment.
The substance is highly effective, does not pose a health hazard and does not have the ability to accumulate in structures.
It is also hypoallergenic and has become very popular in the field of aesthetic medicine.
Thickening of the penis by introducing a polylactic acid-based filler under the skin of the shaft
For this method of penis thickening we use the latest technique: subcutaneous injection of a liquid synthetic implant.
The drug is a suspension of biodegradable microgranules consisting of polylactic acid. It is absolutely safe, hypoallergenic and officially approved for use.
Polylactic acid introduced under the skin, dissolving, causes neocollagenesis - active growth of connective tissue cells.
As a result of the effect, a dense collagen structure is formed and the volume of the penile shaft increases throughout the area of \u200b\u200badministration of the drug.
Be confident, move towards your goal!
Before the procedure, the patient is given local anesthesia (penile nerve block). PowerFill is then dissolved in a sterile solution and injected evenly into the layer between the skin and the penile fascia along the entire penile shaft or locally (at the patient's request).
The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts on average 20-30 minutes.
After the procedure, an elastic bandage is applied for up to 5 days. The average volume of the injected filler is 24 cm3. up to 34 cubic cm. as a result, the penis simultaneously increases by the same volume with the further process of neocollagenesis.
Results of the procedure
Injections with an implant give the result in the form of a thickening of the penis by 2-2. 5 cm; upon request of the patient it is possible to obtain a greater increase.
The effect of the procedure lasts up to three years, and, according to other sources, up to 5 years.
After this period the effect does not disappear completely, but a slight decrease in the effect is noted. If the patient wishes, a small amount of filler can be injected afterwards.
The newly formed tissue has a natural elasticity to the touch, is absolutely sensitive, mobile and does not affect erectile function.
Sexual activity is allowed after 2-3 weeks.
Ways to enlarge penis at home

It is possible to enlarge your penis while at home or during work breaks, but before you start doing this you need to consult a urologist. It will allow this, ensuring that there are no general contraindications:
- Infectious diseases;
- Exacerbation of chronic processes;
- Venereal illnesses;
- Inflammatory processes of the skin of the penis.
An effective way to enlarge the penis without surgery, used by porn actors. To know more.
Soda method
This technique is promoted by all kinds of "doctors" and "academics" of traditional medicine. Most of these "gurus" do not even have general medical training, let alone an academic degree. This method, according to them, works due to the effect of soda on the karmic connection of people with the forces of nature: fire, water, earth and air.

The usage algorithm can be as follows:
- Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
- After showering or bathing, pour the solution onto your penis.
- Dry the organ with moistened wipes.
This method will not give any effect, and if you overdo it with baking soda, you will experience skin irritation and itching in the groin. Doctors clearly say that this is a real deception.
Jelqing method: does it help to enlarge the penis?
This method derives from traditional medicine. It is believed to have been used in the East for centuries, but doctors advise against its use. Although the effect of the exercises is short, it lasts 2-3 hours. The maximum result does not exceed 1 cm. With frequent use, problems with potency, pain in the genital organs and bruises on the penis may appear.

There are two variations of the technique: dry and wet. In the first they train without lubricant, in the second they use gel. It is especially effective to use the Jelqing method simultaneously with the use of a special gel.
- Before starting the procedure, the penis should be brought to an excited state, 60-70%, but it should not harden.
- The penis is wrapped in a damp towel to steam it. This causes the corpora cavernosa of the penis to become elastic.
- Wrap your thumb and forefinger around the root of the penis and hold them there for about 10 seconds.
- Without opening your ring finger, guide them towards your head. Having reached it, the first hand stops, but does not move away, and the second repeats the movement made. When the second hand approaches the first hand, release your head and begin repeating the exercise.
On the first day they do it50-100repetitions, for 2-3 weeks increase the number a200 times. It is allowed to divide the procedure into parts with breaks of 15-30 minutes.
Male penis enlargement with vacuum pump
The procedure using vacuum pumps is used in medicine, but does not provide a long-lasting effect on penis enlargement. According to online reviews, the maximum result is 2-3 cm. The main indication for its purchase is erectile dysfunction. Doctors recommend, if possible, purchasing a more expensive hydropump. It is less traumatic, since in this case the penis is exposed to water. Both types of vacuum pumps cause a rush of blood to the penis, which is responsible for their positive effect.

Method of using a vacuum pump:
- Place your penis inside the flask.
- Press the base against your pubis.
- Slowly pump out the air using a light bulb.
Upon first use it is necessary to stop exposure after 2-3 minutes. The maximum time must not exceed 30-40 minutes.
Using an extender
The device is used to lengthen the penis. The device is used to lengthen, thicken and correct the curvature of the penis. For medical reasons, it is prescribed after surgical interventions: prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland), penile implantation and ligamentotomy.

There are three modifications of the device:
- Harness. They are rarely used, are uncomfortable to wear and put a lot of pressure on the genital organ. You can wear it for no more than 30 minutes, then a break must follow. The maximum period of use is 6 hours per day.
- Belt. Most often prescribed to be worn in the postoperative period. They grip the head firmly and cause less discomfort than flagellar mechanisms.
- Empty. The mechanism is based on the extraction of air from the chamber positioned on the head of the penis. Prolonged use is not recommended as it encourages the formation of blisters.
- Vacuum adhesive. Not only vacuum is used, but also a gel to hold the head.
Increase on stretcher

Design for penis enlargement. Often used in conjunction with an extender. The penis is fixed with garters to the leg or shoulder. In loose trousers it is not noticeable, which allows you to use the stretcher in the workplace.