Men always pay attention to innovative methods of increasing penis size without surgery. And even a phrase they hear in passing makes them think they try the method on themselves.
Nowadays, medicine is at a high enough level to offer men quick and safe operations to increase their male dignity. But not everyone dares to resort to this method. Then men start looking for various folk remedies and exercises for penis enlargement at home.
What methods exist

A huge number of ways to increase penis size have been developed using various devices, ointments, gels and folk remedies. There are also the following devices: vacuum pumps, extenders, which help to achieve a noticeable enlargement of the penis at home without surgery.
Among the advantages of such devices is the fact that they are quite easy to use, do not require special skills and do not take a lot of time.
In addition, special techniques have been developed that involve impact on the penis through massages and various exercises. Previously, these methods were developed solely for the purpose of improving potency. One of the most common examples of this is jelqing.
To increase male dignity, drugs are widely used, most of which are hormonal agents. These drugs act on the body and cause a small increase in the penis, but are mainly aimed at improving the erection.
It is not recommended to use drugs without first consulting a specialist. Your doctor will help you choose the correct dosage and shelf life of the product.
Well, the last method that guarantees a 100% result is surgery. With the help of surgical intervention, it will be possible to achieve not only a change in the length, but also in the width of the penis. This option is financially expensive and also requires moral preparation, confidence in this option and the availability of directions for the operation.
What are the most popular methods?
If we talk about folk remedies that help change the size of the penis, then it is worth mentioning them below.

To do this, you will need to purchase a lubricant. The penis must be brought to a state of slight erection. The best option is 50%. The penis should be wrapped with greasy fingers at the base. Then, start making smooth, slow movements from the base to the head of the penis. Perform similar movements in the opposite direction. It is necessary to gradually increase the speed.
After the penis has reached its maximum size, you must grasp it with the palm near the head and with the other hand near the base.
By holding the penis in this position, you need to begin to gently stretch it. When the maximum stretch is reached, it is necessary to hold the organ for 10 seconds in this position.
During the massage, a man should not experience any unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, this will result in stretching of the ligaments and skin.
Jelqing initially requires the penis to be in a slightly aroused state. The maximum indicator does not exceed 70% of the maximum size. Next, you need to form a thumb and forefinger ring and wrap them around the base of the penis. Slowly push the ring up to your head. It is optimal that the distance from the base to the head is achieved in 3 seconds.

After one hand reaches the head of the penis, such manipulations must be performed immediately with the other hand. This will ensure that the impact on the penis does not stop. To get a noticeable effect, you need to perform such actions at least 100 times.
During the exercise, the fingers should firmly grasp the penis and there should be no discomfort. When the penis reaches its maximum size, you can stop so as not to damage the vessels.
Among the more unusual methods is the stimulation of biological hotspots. However, the effectiveness of this method has not yet been proven.
Doctors say that stimulating certain areas of the body can affect the size of the penis, glans and even testicles. The impact is a light massage of a few points. These areas are believed to be on the back of the hand, closer to the base.
Among the folk remedies aimed at changing the size of the penis without ointments and pills, it is worth mentioning soda.
This is a fairly simple product with an affordable price. Soda can be purchased at any store. This is one of the most effective folk remedies. The method does not require special skills and does not take much time.
You need to take a spoonful of baking soda and mix it in a glass of water. Then soak the manhood in the solution for 10-15 minutes. It is important to remember that the procedure should be done at least one hour before the planned sexual contact. The result will be evident after the first application.
You can also use baking soda as an abrasive agent. To do this, it is necessary to wet the penis with water and then apply soda. The product must be carefully rubbed on the dignity of man and then washed off. In a few months the variation can reach 2 cm.
If the use of the product is fraught with burning or other unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to immediately stop the procedure and wash off the soda from the penis. It is also unacceptable to perform an operation in the presence of damage to the penis.
Herbs are used internally and not externally like soda. What tools are suitable:
- chestnut-based tincture;
- picking herbs from blueberries, St. John's wort and elderberry;
- a decoction based on ginseng or hawthorn;
- aloe juice.
It is forbidden to use aloe juice for acute diseases during an exacerbation affecting the urinary system.
The way of the grandfather
There are a number of old-fashioned methods that do not require the use of ointments, pills and other drugs.
- Early in the morning, a man should go to the garden and dig up a glass of worms, and then dry them. They are then mixed with 1 kg of finely chopped nettle and a liter of honey. Mix all ingredients and store in a cool, dark place for 10 days. After this time, it is necessary to apply the product on the penis for the whole night. The application time must be calculated so that the last time coincides with the waxing moon.
- Bee sting. Provided that there is no allergy to the bite, it will be possible to achieve a noticeable result.
- Food and herbs.
It is important to check for any allergies to the components before use.
Should I wait for the result?

With the help of folk remedies, it is possible to achieve an increase of 2 to 9 cm, but it is important to consider that folk remedies never give immediate results.
It all depends on the chosen method and whether the man is ready to spend more than a month to achieve the result. At the same time, it is important to take care of your body and strictly follow the instructions.